E-business, Success, Simple, Real. Site Build It! (SBI!)
SiteSell delivers the ultimate in online business-building for do-it-yourselfers, and will also do it for you if you are a local small business person. Site-Build-It! (SBI!).
Actually, while spam is the fundamental root of our problems, the anti-spam measures that large ISPs and important free e-mail hosts (like Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail) undertake are what hurts legitimate Net marketers.
Much like tuna nets catch dolphins by mistake, their spam filters catch us. So the SiteSell SpamCheck Tool is a quick way for honest marketers to make sure that their e-mails are less likely to be considered spam by ISPs, by Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail (which tosses you into their Junk folders) and even by individual filters set up by an ever-growing number of recipients around the world.
Here's how it works...
STEP 1: Copy-and-paste your subject, but start your subject with the word "TEST" (without the quotes, in UPPER CASE) so that we know this is a test e-mail. (If the subject does NOT start with TEST, we'll assume it's REAL spam and delete it). Here's a sample subject...
TESTFlower-Lovers Ezine #007: Peonies for the Yukon
STEP 2: Copy-and-paste the rest of your e-zine and simply send it, exactly the way you would send it to your recipient, to...
Simply visit this URL and use the online form to spamcheck your e-mail...
You'll get a report back (in seconds, perhaps a few minutes if volume is heavy) telling you how good or bad your e-mail is, from a spam-detector's point of view. You will receive a full, free report of all corrections that you should make to your zine, in order to stay out of the junk folders. It does NOT, of course, actually comment on WHAT you write -- first, it's not that smart. And second, the actual content is YOUR business! ;-)
And remember, this SpamChecker is just one feature of the E-zine MailOut tool, which itself is merely one part of the entire system of Site Build It! tools... guaranteed to make any small business succeed online... in a tenth of the time ... at a tenth of price.
For more information about Site Build It!, please see...
lunes, 1 de abril de 2013
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013
viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013
action guide

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013
The SBI! Core Packages
The SBI! Core Packages
SBI! Core 10 Package ($1999 + SBI! Monthly Service $29.99 per month)
With this order, your Webmaster constructs the Home, About, Contact, and 7 other keyword-focused content pages (10 pages in total). These initial pages prepare a solid foundation for an evolving and expanding site, the proven key to online success.
Why do you need to add pages to this foundation? Quality content builds free traffic from the Search Engines (without the cost of paid advertising) and PREsells your visitors. PREsold visitors, of course, are easier to convert, resulting in more sales. So the short answer to your question is... Content builds income.
SBI! Core 20 Package ($2949 + SBI! Monthly Service $29.99 per month)
With this order, your Webmaster constructs the Home, About, Contact, and 17 other keyword-focused content pages (20 pages in total). Highly recommended as your starting point, this package launches your site with a substantial content framework that will quickly get the attention and approval of human visitors and Search Engines. Here's why...
A site of this size allows you to provide several sought-after answers to your visitors' questions, which reinforces your expertise and builds trust. Positive human reaction helps your site meet the criteria for a high Search Engine ranking, an essential ingredient for attracting free targeted traffic.
Starting with twenty pages is the best way to get the traffic ball rolling. Then you simply add more content pages to super-boost that initial momentum.
SBI! Core 35 Package ($4399 + SBI! Monthly Service $29.99 per month)
With this order, your Webmaster constructs the Home, About, Contact, and 32 other keyword-focused content pages. This is the ultimate turn-key Core Package for establishing a strong Web presence and reputation right from the start. An easy-to-find, top ranking site puts you way ahead of your competitors. And by periodically adding new content pages, you'll stay ahead!
Each SBI! Core Package focuses on building your business...
- Thorough keyword research on the Website business and/or proposed theme
- Development of a Website keyword report for traffic optimization
- Your site's template is customized to match your business
- Use of your own photos or help obtaining appropriate "stock" images
- Construction of keyword-focused content pages (the number depends on the Core Package)
- Orientation of your site's features
- And more (much more).
- Dedicated Web hosting (no upgrades needed ever)
- Domain name registration (included in the Core Package)
- Fast, reliable hosting
- Safe Website backups
- Unlimited e-mail accounts
- Powerful research tools for finding potential keywords for your site
- Page by page Search Engine optimization
- E-mail list builder and E-zine publishing tool
- Highly sophisticated Search Engine submissions to Google, Bing and others
- Advanced tracking and monthly performance reports
- Ongoing access to Website improvement packages (beat your competition)
- And other business-building services.
You don't need to sort out anything, as your SBI! Webmaster shows and explains every possibility. Click here for a full list of all additional packages.
martes, 15 de enero de 2013
Purchase, Site Build It!
US $299 (Best Value! Save $60! SBI! for 1 full year)
US $29.99/month (Monthly payment option)
And to start your business will have the Action Action Guide.
sábado, 28 de julio de 2012
Sitesell's Site Build it Helps Anyone Build a Web Business
Sitesell's Site Build it Helps Anyone Build a Web Business
By Jennifer McVeyThere is quite a bit of buzz these days about making money on the Internet and how businesses, no matter what they are, need an Internet presence to have the best chance of maximized success. The problem is that there is so much to know that starting to create a website is so overwhelming that it is hard to even get started.
SiteSell understands that there is a huge learning curve to become Internet savvy, and small business owners and entrepreneurs simply do not have the time to invest in learning the ins and outs of creating a strong and effective web presence.
SiteSell's response to this need is Site Build It! (SBI!). SBI! is an all-inclusive web site-building, hosting, and marketing system. SBI! boasts amazing features that will help you build a professional web presence that attracts your targeted market. These features include:
* Automatic Search engine optimization, submissions, rank tracking, and re-submissions
This will help people find you when they enter keywords into the search engine’s search field by helping you rise to the top few pages of search results. Let’s face it: if someone enters "Widget sales in Yourtown, USA" they might end up with 30,000 results. If your site shows up in the 252nd spot it is not likely that your targeted customer will find you. SBI's tools help move you closer to the top in rank advancement by letting you know where you are, how to improve that rank, and by feeding your information into the complex equations that cause sites like Google and Yahoo to consider you worthy of a high ranking.
* Newsletter subscription and delivery
If a person discovers your site and finds that it is full of useful information but they are not yet ready to be a customer, then you can integrate an automated communications system into your site that helps you maintain top-of-the mind awareness. So when they are ready to become a customer, you will likely be the business they think of first.
* Unlimited bandwidth and pages
As your web presence grows, you need a site that will easily be able to accommodate that growth. You do not want to get a great deal that offers you extensive bandwidth and fifty or a hundred pages to later learn that you need more and have to use a different program to accommodate you.
* Fully customizable point-and-click site building
* Unlimited one-on-one customer support and access to Tips ‘n Techniques Headquarters
Also, you will have access to information shared by other successful and experienced SBI! users demonstrating their most effective strategies in using SBI! to the maximum capacity through the member forum.
If for any reason you decide that SBI is not for you, SiteSell also offers a money-back guarantee.
Founder Ken Evoy has developed a product that technically-inclined and non-techie people from all over the world can use as their web site and business builder.
Permanent Link:
miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012
miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012
(SBI!) Order Page
martes, 10 de julio de 2012
The SiteSell Homepage

The right process, the right tools that remove all the barriers and mysteries, correctly applied at the right time. That is how you grow an online business with increasing long-term profits.
That is how SBI! works.
Site Build It! includes an extensive suite of tools to help you build a successful online business every step of the way, including:
- domain name registration
- web site hosting
- point-and-click page creation
- content management
- blogging
- market research
- traffic stats
- search engine optimization
- auto-responders
- form builder
- graphic manager
- customizable templates
- sitemaps
- RSS feeds
- web mail
- newsletter management